My first trip

Two years ago I went to Coyhaique with some members of my family, specifically my mom, my sister, my cousin and my nephew. We went in an airplane and I remember being so nervous. It was my first time traveling in an airplane! I can't stop thinking about the bad things that could happen, but my mom manages it to keep me calm in the worst parts (that for me were the start and the landing). We went for like 10 days and everyday we enjoyed it as if it were our last one, we would wake up so early, like 6 AM because from Coyhaique we would visit some places around, but every place was so far away from another that the travels were like 4 or 5 hours.

Despite the exhaustion, I saw a lot of beautiful places, lots of lakes and waterfalls, there were more extreme activities like kayak (that my mom and my cousin did), but I preferred to stay and see the more quiet and relaxing places because I don't really like extreme things like that. I really like when we would go somewhere and just sit and appreciate the view, the calm that you see there is so relaxing, nothing compared to Santiago that is all frenetic and fast. For me there, the time went so slow and you can stop to look everything that you want. I really liked it, although after a couple of days I was already missing my home.



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