A job that I would like to do.

I've never had a job, but If I have to choose a job I would like to do is veterinarian for exotic animals (besides dogs and cats) because I think it would be really fun to work with animals and learn new things about them, but this job also requires qualities like seriousness and concentration, the skill to look for quick solutions that can help the animals and a lot of strenght to handle them. I think i'd be good at this job because I really want to learn more about all the type of animals, its something that get my attention and I would like to be part of the people who can help them, I could learn things like their habits, how they're treated in farms, sanctuaries or zoos, how to work with them, etc.

A person who does this job is my cousin, she's a veterinarian that has worked with domestic and exotic animals (such as tigers or monkeys), she always tells me about experiences of her job and how animals are and even if it's not always the perfect job because she gets a lot of bites or scratches, shes always excited to tell those stories, which makes me think that this job I'm telling you about never run out of new things to learn and you don't know what you might como across next time.

That's all for today. Bye!


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