A Chilean landmark I like.

I really liked when I saw la confluencia del Río Baker in Cochrane, Aysen, I traveled there in 2021 with a few people of my family like my mom, my cousin, my sister and my nephew. I must say It's a very beautiful water course, the sound, the atmosphere and the smell, all the characteristics that this place has are unique, to get there we walked for a while and went through some trees, when we arrived we could get very close to the water because of the big rocks and you can just sit there and admire the view, we were there for a long time just looking at how beautiful and relaxing it was, It was like just concentrating on the sound of the water and it's turquoise colors, I think that is why it's one of the most special places I have seen, being there is not just taking a picture, instead it's an experience that involves very peaceful feelings, seeing it for the first time is very impressive because of how big it is and how you get used to the sound and everything that surrounds the space. I really like it and I would like to visit it again.

That's all for today. Bye!


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