A family member or relative

Today I'm going to talk about my cousin Fabiana, I want to talk about her because I think she's a very interesting person because she works as a veterinarian and I'm very interested in what she does, she has worked with domestic animals like cats and exotic animals like tigers, monkeys or even snakes, It's amazing to hear her talk about her stories or experiences that she has had with these animals and how is her work because, also because it's obvious that she likes it very much and I think that makes it even more exciting, even when she tells bad things like that certain animals bit her or things like that. I'm very interested in animals, although is more in a vegetarian side and she's more interested in a theoretical side, so we can share information and opinions.

She's also very extrovert, most of the time she's happy and not ashamed of anything, so she's one of the best people I get along with in my family, before when I was younger and she was a teenager we didn't talk much because each one was focused on their own things and we were in different stages of our lives, but as we have grown up we have become closer and I think we have a pretty good relationship where we always laugh.

That's all for today. Bye!


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