
I'm not sure of the exact age that I started learning English, but it was probably when I was a child in school where I learned to conjugate sentences and verbs or basic things, I learned more vocabulary with movies and videogames that I watched in English with Spanish subtitles while I related the words and their translation, even when I was 17 years old I took an English course to learn more of it. I think the hardest thing about English for me is speaking it because I don't have a good pronunciation and it's very noticeable that I have an accent. 

To practice my English outside of class and expand my vocabulary I try to read books or short stories in English which helps me to learn new words and phrases. In English class I like the activities that involve having conversations with classmates about any topic because I think it helps me learn how to have an informal conversation and practice my pronunciation. I think English will be useful to be able to communicate with other people in English easily and to understand everything I want in English (books, music, movies, etc.). I don't know if it's part of the English culture but I like the variety of accents and the different words they have for the same thing.

That's all for today. Bye!


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