A reflective post about my semester in FAU.
When this semester started I didn't have much interest in the subjects I had since they were more related to physics and some teachers complicated the subjects, but I think my favorite was Geografía Rural, it's more related to human things but I think I learned interesting concepts and new points of view with the texts I read. The subject that I found most difficult is Geomorfología del Cuaternario, it's probably the most physical subject I had and I'm not very good at identifying things just by seeing it, but I learn interesting things and many explanations of why the earth it's like this currently. This semester went by very quickly, at one point I was starting, then I was taking tests and now I feel like I went straight to the end, but I think my best moment was when I was on the recess week and after a long time I received the grade of a important subject that's very difficult for me (Geomorfología del Cuaternario) and it was a 4.0, I had never been so happy...